Yvonne Seidel

RexiShz 05


From the Neckar River to 

the Mediterranean Sea


In February 2008 we 

commemorated the 70th 

anniversary of a Jewish 

group emigration from 

Rexingen, a Black Forest 

village along the Neckar 

river, to Erez Israel.

Settlers founded the Sha-

vei Zion Village (Return to 

Zion) on April 13th, 1938.

The people of the village



Their stories from the

past directly link to to-

day's situation of life in

both villages and their

people in Germany and



Struggling similarities

offer a unique chance to

viewers to indulge into

today's life in the Middle

East. They give pathway

to a better understanding

of the present situation

due to links to history.

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